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Rutherfurd of Edgerston
Edgerston is located six miles south of Jedburgh, a charming, historic Border town. It is just a few miles north of the English border. Edgerston House is a magnificent 17th and 18th century country house, which once sat on 3,700 acres of farm land, woods and beautiful rolling hills. When the estate was sold for the second time in 1980 it was divided, the house now sits on 650 acres.
Edgerston was a Rutherfurd estate since at least 1448. Before 1503 it was one of the many estates, and baronies which were controlled by Rutherfurd of that Ilk, which means Rutherfurd of Rutherfurd. James Rutherfurd of that Ilk towards the end of his life tried to make sure that his male heirs would succeed to all of the Rutherfurd properties. In Jedburgh on September 15, 1492 James had a new charter drawn up; this charter lists all of the Rutherfurd holdings and lists his male heirs who would inherit. James's granddaughters Katherine and Helen Rutherfurd, unfortunately had politically powerful husbands whose influence in a corrupt court was more powerful than the parchment of James's will. Thomas Rutherfurd, the third son of James, struggled for many years to keep Edgerston. He finally made good his right as male heir but lost the rest of the estates to his niece Katherine Rutherfurd and her husband Sir James Stewart of Traquair. Edgerston was also given to Katherine, but Thomas defied the crown and would not give it up. It was actually three generations of Rutherfurds who struggled to keep Edgerston. At last on January 12, 1559/60 Thomas's grandson Richard got a charter of the barony of Edgerston from Stewart. Edgerston would probably still be in Rutherfurd family hands if the modern day descendents of Thomas had fought as hard to keep it as Thomas and his son and grandson.
Edgerston House
In 1695 Thomas Rutherfurd (c.1650-1720) built the center part of the present house. It is unclear whether this incorporated or completely replaced the existing tower (c. 1600); however, the initials of Thomas Rutherfurd and his wife Susanna Riddell are said to be carved into one of the dormer windows.
John Rutherfurd (1748-1834) of Edgerston was a great benefactor to Edgerston. In 1793 he built on the two wings with their Venetian windows and the semi-circular tower at the south side of the house. In a letter written by his uncle, Baron Robert Rutherfurd to Walter Rutherfurd, " Fairnington, Oct 28, 1788, Dear Walter, I want to send you a copy of the plan of the improvements that our nephew is making at Edgerston. He is putting on two wings at a cost of 3,000 and when it is completed it will be one of the finest seats in the Shire." In a letter between the same uncles, "Fairnington, Nov 26, 1792. Edgerston House by being repaired with additions is now one of the handsomest and most commodious of any in this county." The final addition to Edgerston was the Tower built by William Oliver-Rutherfurd(1781-1879) in 1840. This tower is a fully equipped house which is now rented. On the hill above Edgerston House can be seen the remains of a peel tower which was used by the Rutherfurds for defense against the Kerrs and other families that the Rutherfurds were feuding with, and as defense against the English.
Border Reivers
Edgerston is just a few miles north of the English Border; so, the Rutherfurds of Edgerston were often the first line of defense against the English. The Scottish Borders is a unique and distinct culture unlike the rest of Scotland because of the violence and turbulence of its past.
Quoting from the book The Steel Bonnets by George MacDonald Fraser, "In the making of Britain, between England and Scotland, there was prolonged and terrible violence, and whoever gained in the end, the Border country suffered fearfully in the process. It was the ring in which champions met; armies marched and counter-marched and fought and fled across it; it was wasted and burned and despoiled, its people harried, robbed and slaughtered, on both sides, by both sides. Whatever the rights and wrongs, the Borderers were the people who bore the brunt; for almost 300 years, from the late thirteenth century to the middle of the sixteenth, they lived on a battlefield that stretched from the Solway to the North Sea. War after war was fought on it, and this, to put it mildly, had an effect on the folk who lived there. Constant strife, or the threat of it, bred up a race of hard people along the Border lines. They lived in a jungle, and they had to live by jungle rules. This is not to excuse them, but to explain. If a man cannot live, and ensure that his family lives, within the law, he has no alternative but to step outside it. It was inevitable that the way of life which the Borderer had to follow in time of war should be carried over into what was nominally peacetime; habits are hard to break, and here they became so deeply ingrained as to be almost instinctive. By the sixteenth century robbery and blood feud had become virtually systematic. That century saw the activities of the steel bonneted Border riders-noble and simple, robber and lawman, soldier and farmer, outlaw and peasant-at their height. In the story of Britain, the Border reiver is a unique figure…. he would probably be described as an agricultural labourer, or a small-holder, or gentleman farmer, or even a peer of the realm; he was also a professional cattle rustler. In addition he was a fighting man who, on the evidence, handled his weapons with superb skill; a guerrilla soldier of great resource to whom the arts of theft, raid, tracking and ambush were second nature. He was also often a gangster organized on highly professional lines,…He gave the word "blackmail" to the English language…. this practice is probably as old as time, but the expression itself was coined on the Borders, and meant something different from blackmail today. Its literal meaning is "black rent"- in other words, illegal rent- and its exact modern equivalent is the protection racket." The Borders are divided into six areas, three on the Scottish side and three on the English side, Edgerston is in an area known as the Scottish Middle March. Some of the riding surnames in the Sixteenth century in the Scottish Middle March are; Scotts, Kerrs, Elliots, Douglases, Rutherfords, Olivers, Youngs, Pringles, Turnbulls, Armstrongs. Some of these families were Rutherfurd allies, with others they were feuding. The most notable and longest lasting feud was between the Rutherfurds and the Kerrs. Source - The Steel Bonnets by George MacDonald Fraser 1971
There are a few ancestors that all Oliver-Rutherfurds of Edgerston should study. The first is Major John Rutherfurd. He is not listed in the Lairds of Edgerston below because he died before his father Sir John Rutherfurd (1687-1764).
Major John Rutherfurd (1712-1758), John Rutherfurd was born April 12, 1712 at Edgerston, Scotland. He at first followed his father into the law. He became an advocate on July 24, 1734, he represented Selkirkshire 1730 and Roxburghshire 1734-41 in Parliament. He decided to go into the military and on December 31, 1741 he was commissioned Captain in the Independent Regiment at New York. He became Major in the new 62nd (Royal American) Regiment in 1756. During his last campaign he made a new will on June 13, 1758 giving 1000 pounds each to his younger sons Robert and Archibald when they turned 21 years old and 500 pounds each to his daughters Eleanor, Elizabeth, Jean (Jane) and Agnes when they married. John married Eleanor Elliot in Edinburgh November 27, 1737. He was killed at the battle of Ticonderoga July 8, 1758. Source - The Rutherfords in Britain by K. Rutherford Davis 1987 Major John wrote an addendum to his will. In this new document, which was written in camp above Saratoga, he refers to the will which he had made in the previous spring before leaving New York. Having heard of the birth of another daughter, and fearing that the law might not allow her an equal share with her elder sisters, he made this new settlement, with the prelude:- "I expect to march tomorrow to Fort Edward on our way to attack Ticonderoga and Crown Point, with a few regulars, mostly ill disciplined, and a confused multitude of provincials, troops more likely to confound us than to hurt our enemies." Source - The Rutherfurds of that Ilk, 1884 As you can see from the two preceding references from Rutherfurd genealogy books, when discussing the death of Major John Rutherfurd all that I knew was that he died at the Battle of Ticonderoga. I knew that it was during the French Indian war, but I wanted to know more. The biggest find in learning more came from a Rutherfurd researcher Gary Rutherford Harding. He sent me copies of family letters; one of these letters written by John's brother Walter was interesting and poignant. Through this letter we now know more about Major John, and how he died. I hope that you find it as interesting as I did. Letter written by Walter Rutherfurd to Lord Loudon, Commander-in-chief My Lord, It is with the greatest concern that I must perform the sorrowful office of acquainting you of my dear Brother's death which happened the 8th inst., at the attacking of the entrenched Camp before Ticonderoga. Poor Mrs. R. I feel more for her than for myself, tho' I have lost a Brother, Friend and Benefactor. I am afraid her disposition will scarce support so great a shock, what a loss to his family and what an affliction to his friends. On the fatal day of action he commanded the Battalion, was several yards advanced standing on a log, encouraging them to march on and support the Grenadiers when he was shot thro' the heart and never uttered a groan. I was advanced close to the trenches with the Grenadiers, when finding it impracticable to prevail without further support, we halted ourselves by laying down a considerable time, when it was concluded and reported I was killed, and before I returned to the Battalion my poor Brother was carried off and buried. You may well conceive my distress at this relation, being the greatest shock I ever suffered. I am my Lord, Yr. Obt. & humble servt. Walter Rutherfurd The next letter is written by Major John to his brother Robert Rutherfurd, who was later made Baron of Russia. This letter was a treasure that I found in the Rutherfurd of Edgerston papers houses in the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh Scotland. This letter shows a glimpse of his personality and how much he cared for his family. East Lowes, Isle of Wight 29 sep 1744 Dear Robie, I have wrote to you twice since I had any from you & as we are put back here by contrary winds I take this opportunity to write you again, that I am soe far in my way for New York with my family haveing left only the youngest child with Lady Minto; Wattie came with us as far as Deal, & I have the pleasure to hear from London, where I ordered him to open & answer any letters he found there for me, that he finds one from you, that you are in good health & have had the happyness to gain favour with Admiral Mathews, that you are now at Vado Bay Agent Victauler. I'm sorry he did not send me your letter, which he writes me he is to forward to me by way of Boston not imagineing the letter he wrote me here could come to hand befor we sailed. I can write nothing agreeable from Scotland; our friends there are all well, but either soe situated that they can't, or of soe narrow a way of thinking that they won't assist any of us with their credit, My Father is still determined to setle Hunthill & every thing he can upon his son & daughter of this marriage & won't hear of setleing a farthing on Betty & Jeanie Tho I offered to contribute equally towards it; Betty is very pretty & sings charmingly but keeps very little. Jean promisses likewise very well is tall enough for her age & has a very good face which seems still improveing, I have not seen Hew he haveing been allways abroad since I came from New York but I hear he is very little, not like to be taller that Willie & I: I am very uneasy about him Sir John will doe nothing for him but insists on haveing him sent to Willie & Jamie to goe into the Merchant Sea Service which I can't think of doeing as I know they'l have enough to doe for themselves as affairs are now situate; so Wattie is to order Hew down to Edinr to get a years education which he stands much in need of & if Sir John will by no means pay the expense of it I shall & in that time we can consider what he should doe next, I own tho I was against his goeing to sea, yet as he has now got some knowledge & applyed himself soe long that way I shall think he had better continue unless I can see some other way of life offer in which he could have some chance of makeing a fortune, which at sea in the Governments Service he has scarce any chance of doeing. Julie has now a Son & daughter & Mally is with child which gave us all great joy & will make her Husband & her very happy. I have named Ld Minto, Sir Rutherfurd, Whitebank, Bowland, Mr Nisbit, Chesters & Mr Elliot of Minto my commissioners for selling any unintailed lands they think proper & applying all my rents towards paying the Debts & am very much obliged to them for the trouble they take in my affairs especially Mr Bennet of Chesters who is the only friend that would join me in any thing towards supporting any of the Family & tho twas but a trifle yet it showed a friendly disposition he haveing you know a very small estate; Twas on Thomie's account who being lately reduced to straits according to custom & not able to get a single farthing from Sir John or any friend applyed at last to Chesters who upon my giving him a letter obligeing myself to bear half any loss, lent him fourty pound sterling, which to be sure Thomie will never pay but he seems now to be in a better way of makeing a livelyhood than ever. I write you things relateing to your friends in different letters lest some miscarry & as I imagine you'l be better intertained with things of that nature than any other I write you soe I long to give you a good account of Willie & Jamie which I hope to be able to doe when I arrive at New York where I'l find letters of theirs from Jamaica where as they are capable, well liked & diligent I think there's a moral certainty of their succeeding if I can be but able to support them till an opportunity happen & proper occasions for them exert themselves. All my Ambition is now in this world, to rid my hand of some of my load of Debt make a little money for my younger children, the necessity of which is but too evident from the loss you are all at in wanting it. And about seven or ten years hence find Willie Jamie you & Wattie have picked up some little competence & philosophy enough to content yourselves with it, that we may injoy the rest of our days, in a calm tranquillity & undisturbed reap the fruits of friendship & experience in our Native soil, this I will put you in mind of in every letter as I doe the rest, that your haveing that point in view may hinder you from loseing time in childish trifleing pleasures that scarce pays time & labour in procureing, not that I'd advise you to neglect any thing that can really conduce to present happyness for the uncertainty of futurity, I own myself an epicure I would indulge every sense in a rational way or as is best expressed in the Merchant way after stateing accts & seeing what side Balance stands upon; Drinking is a pleasure incompatible with all our constitutions & none of our family can be brought soe far as to drink moderately; whoreing is the only vice I would warn you against excess in. A woman I think is as necessary to keep the spirits in good order as meat is to the body but the seldomer the more joy & to risk either life or health in gratifying oneself in what can easily be obtained without hazarding either, I can excuse in no body after twenty years of age. As hearing from my friends must now for years together by my principal intertainment, don't let want that share that I expect from you & not only write me how business succeeds with you but what books you read, what men & what women you converse with & allwayes sent me some little state of affairs in Italy Direct any letters for me under cover to Mr Joseph Mico Merchant in Watleing Street London or to any Merchant there desireing them to send them to the New England & New York coffee house, or if you meet with any ships bound for Boston New York or Philadelphia direct for me Captain of an Independent company To the care of Mr Robert Watts Merchant in New York. My wife desires me to tender you her good wishes she is very sick at sea & frighted at goeing without convoy but keeps up her spirits perfectly well. A Boy & two Girls we carry with us are very healthy. My affairs could by no means allow my waiting for convoy nor indeed as it has happened is it of any moment as we are three ships of good force have 19 guns & 8 swivels each & one has 300 Palatines on board goeing to setle in Pensilvania. I am What you can wish sincerely yours Q.C. John Rutherfurd Major John Rutherfurd was the father of Jane Rutherfurd (c.1755-1820) Jane is sometimes called Jean. She was probably born in New York, American Colonies, she is the oldest daughter of Major John Rutherfurd and Eleanor Elliot. Jane married William Oliver 31 March 1771 in Edinburgh, Scotland. William Oliver (1738-1830) of Dinlabyre, Sheriff of Roxburgh and Lord of Liddesdale, was a prolific builder. "In the Borders, at the time of his appointment as Sheriff, there were few roads capable of the efficient transport of people and goods by wheeled vehicles, therefore most goods were transported by pack animal, especially in winter. Bridges were few and rivers were mostly crossed by ford or ferry. It is William Oliver's great achievement that by the end of his life he had established the network of roads and bridges in the Borders which to this day has scarcely been added to." Source- Papers of John Boyd-Brent, Liddelbank, Scotland. Janes' brother, John Rutherfurd (1748-1834), was the Laird of Edgerston. He and his wife, Mary Anne Leslie, had no children. John loved his sister Jane's family as shown in the following letters that John wrote to the Duke of Buccleuch regarding his brother-in-law Sheriff William Oliver and his family. The following two copies of letters were given to me by John Boyd-Brent, he found them in the Scotts of Buccleuch papers housed in the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. John Boyd-Brent and his wife are beautifully restoring Liddelbank House, an estate in the Liddel valley in the Scottish Borders which was built by William Oliver and his wife Jane Rutherfurd. Edgerston 18 Jan 1793 My Lord, Mr Oliver communicates to me a letter. He took the liberty of writing to your Grace by last post. The necessity he is under of selling Weens that he may be enabled to go to Edinburgh for the education of his family, and at the same time have it in his power to advance some money towards setting them out in the world, renders a change of his present office, on object of much consequence to him. I shall only say My Lord that circumstanced as I now am I shall consider anything of this kind bestowed upon Mr Oliver, in the same light as if it were obtained for myself and as your Grace has done me the honour to say that you have had frequent conversations with Mr Dundas on my account and have mentioned my name to Mr Pitt as the only person in the county you were anxious to provide for, I should flatter myself that this circumstance, when added to Mr Oliver's own services and pretentions may enable your Grace to obtain something for him. Had I been able to introduce myself into active life by being more in the world I might have had it in power to be of more use to my friends and to Mr Olivers family in particular, than by anything he may now be able to obtain by a change in office or otherwise; but of this I have very small hopes. I confess there is nothing would compensate my disappointment so much as seeing his family, having now none of my own to employ my thoughts, placed in an easy and comfortable situation- my estate too, being entailed upon a distant relation makes it impossible for me, either now or at my death to do anything for them, so that I feel it a more pressing duty to assist them in any other way than may depend upon me. I have the honour to be, with the greatest respect, Your Graces most obliged, most obedient servant, John Rutherfurd Edgerston 15th Dec 1793 My Lord, He (Mr Oliver) expresses himself in a most grateful manner on the readiness which your Grace undertook to write to Mr Dundass in his favour, and I could not refrain from troubling Your Grace with a few lines to offer my best thanks and to assure you that if the application succeeds Your Grace will ever experience from Mr Oliver and myself for I shall always consider it the highest favour that could be conferred upon me, the warmest and the most lasting gratitude. Olivers own merit, his numerous and promising family are indeed the most interesting objects I have in this world, nothing could give me more satisfaction than to see them put out into the world with some prospect of success. I conclude with asking Your Graces Pardon for troubling (you) with these few lines, which however I felt irresistibly impelled to do and have the honour to be With the greatest respect Your Graces most obliged, most obedient servant John Rutherfurd Our kind uncle John somehow managed to leave Edgerston to his nephew, William Oliver who became William Oliver-Rutherfurd. Because of this, there were three generations of Oliver-Rutherfurds, and four generations so far of Rutherfurds without the Oliver. It was dropped from the family name four generations ago.
The Sale of Edgerston
William Edward Oliver-Rutherfurd (1863-1931) sold Edgerston Estate in 1915 to F. S. Oliver, who was not related. I found letters between William Edward Oliver-Rutherfurd and F. S. Oliver regarding the sale of Edgerston. These letters are in the Rutherfurd of Edgerston collection in the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Jedburgh 30 July 1915 Dear Mr. Oliver, Many thanks for yours of the 25th just delivered. I have instructed Mess Scott & Glover to except your offer of 35,000 for Edgerston, & to arrange our minor alterations with your agents. I hate parting with the old place, but I cannot see how I can keep it on, with the increased taxation & higher rates of interest. I am nearly new again, I am glad to say, but not feeling up to very much yet. The above address will find me for some time to come. Many thanks for enquiring for a job for me. I hope to see something before long. With kind regards Very Sincerely W. E. O. Rutherfurd
The Lairds of Edgerston
Thomas Rutherfurd (c. 1460-1517) Thomas should have inherited his father's entire estate as everything was supposed to go to the male heir. Thomas' nieces, Helen & Katherine Rutherfurd, had politically powerful husbands and were able to wrestle away the bulk of the estate. Thomas and his descendents were able to keep Edgerston after a long struggle. On November 26, 1514 Thomas seemed to triumph as he received sasine (instrument or deed by which the transfer of feudal property is proved) of Edgerston, Hownam, Capehope, Browndown, 10 librates in Maxton, and the patronage of Bedrule, Rutherford and Wells. However, victory eluded him, and all except Edgerston eventually went to his niece Katherine Rutherfurd Stewart. Katherine is the ancestress of the Earls of Traquair, through her marriage to Sir James Stewart of Traquair. Dispute between the Traquair Stewarts and the Edgerston Rutherfurds continued until Katherine's grandson and the true heir, Thomas Rutherfurd's grandson, reached a settlement in 1560.
Robert Rutherfurd (c. 1490-1541) Robert occupied Edgerston in March 1525, again the rightful heir was opposed by the Stewarts of Traquair who had all of the former Rutherfurd lands and still wanted Edgerston. In 1536 Robert, with massive support from kinsmen, defended Edgerston against the Regent of Scotland and Walter Kerr of Cessford. Somehow Edgerston remained in Robert's hands, although his kin who helped him got into trouble; in November 1538 the Rutherford Lairds of Hunthill and Hundalee were accused of aiding Robert and his accomplices. Robert was alive in July 1541 when his cousin William Stewart was given the whole ancient lordship of Rutherford, including Edgerston, then occupied by Robert. Richard Rutherfurd (c. 1520-1600) Richard headed the Edgerston family for half a century, he succeeded by October 29, 1544. His father and grandfather had struggled to keep Edgerston and the estate was still disputed by the Traquair Stewarts. At last, on January 12 1560, Richard got a charter of the barony of Edgerston, Browndown and Capehope from Stewart whose gift of the sasine (deed) of the tower and lands of Edgerston followed on May 27 1560. Thomas Rutherfurd 'the Black Laird' (c. 1550-1615) The Black Laird gained his nickname by his swarthy complexion and black hair. He was 'a man of restless disposition and marauding habits'. Thomas' ability was well-known in tradition and the Scottish victory at the Redswyre in 1575 is said to be due to his timely arrival on the field of battle. He married Jean Elliot. Robert Rutherfurd (c. 1590-1659) He married 1st Marion Riddell (cont. October 26, 1620), 2nd Elizabeth Turnbull of Minto. John Rutherfurd (c. 1622-1681) John married (cont. 1643) Barbara Abernethy daughter of John Abernethy minister of Jedburgh and later Bishop of Caithness. Barbara brought a dowry of 10,000 marks. Andrew Rutherfurd (1647-1718) Andrew succeeded to Edgerston but was incompetent and often in debt. He died unmarried and had illegitimate children. Thomas Rutherfurd (c.1650-1720) of Wells. Thomas added to the Rutherfurd land holdings by purchasing Hunthill and Scraisburgh in June 1703 from Robert Rutherford of Hunthill. Thomas also bought Bonjedward and Mountholly. When his brother's will was disallowed (because his brothers children were illegitimate), Thomas succeeded to Edgerston. In 1695 Thomas built the center part of the present house. It is unclear whether this incorporated or completely replaced the existing tower (c. 1600); however, the initials of Thomas Rutherfurd and his wife are said to be carved into one of the dormer windows. He married Susanna Riddell in Edinburgh February 25,1681. Sir John Rutherfurd (1687-1764) of that ilk and Edgerston. He was admitted advocate July 3, 1707 and knighted in 1710, the first of his line to receive that honor for three centuries. He married 1st Elizabeth Cairncross daughter and heiress of William Cairncross of Wester Langlee. He married 2nd Sarah Nisbet daughter of Sir John Nisbet of Dean, Bart. John Rutherfurd of Edgerston (1748-1834) succeeded his grandfather Sir John in 1764 when he was 16. John was a great benefactor to Edgerston, in 1793 he built on the two wings with their Venetian windows and the semi-circular tower at the south side of the house. In a letter written by his Uncle Baron Robert Rutherfurd to his uncle Walter Rutherfurd, " Fairnington, Oct 28, 1788, Dear Walter, I want to send you a copy of the plan of the improvements that our nephew is making at Edgerston. He is putting on two wings at a cost of 3,000 and when it is completed it will be one of the finest seats in the Shire. His spouse continues to please us more and more, but I long for her to make a beginning in the way of increasing the family, but it will probably come with time." In a letter between the same uncles, "Fairnington, Nov 26, 1792. Edgerston House by being repaired with additions is now one of the handsomest and most commodious of any in this county." John was a friend of Sir Walter Scott who also lived near Jedburgh, and who called him "The beau ideal of a country gentleman". He married at Edinburgh June 11, 1787 to Mary Anne Leslie, daughter of Major Gen the Hon. Alexander Leslie, son of the fifth Earl of Leven. Sadly they had no children, he left Edgerston to his nephew William Oliver, son of his sister Jane Rutherfurd Oliver. William Oliver-Rutherfurd (1781-1879) Eldest son of Jane Rutherfurd and William Oliver, born at Weens, March 15, 1781. He was educated at Eton and Edinburgh University, called to the Scottish Bar July 5, 1803, and succeeded to Dinlabyre (his father's estate). On inheriting Edgerston from his uncle John in 1834 he added Rutherfurd to his last name. He was sheriff of Roxburghshire for over 60 years. He married August 21, 1804 Agnes Chatto, daughter of Alexander Chatto of Mainhouse. The final addition to Edgerston was the Tower built by William Oliver-Rutherfurd in 1840. William Alexander Oliver-Rutherfurd (1818-1888) Born at Knowsouth June 30, 1818. He matriculated at Jesus Coll, Cambridge in 1838. He succeeded to Edgerston in 1879. He married 1st , in 1861, Margaret Jane Young daughter of his cousin Edward Young. He married 2nd , in 1872, Mary Ann Brakspear daughter of his cousin Ann Elizabeth Young and William Henry Brakspear of Henley, Oxford, England. William Alexander Oliver-Rutherfurd is the second cousin of both of his wives. His wives were first cousins. The common ancestor of these three cousins is William Oliver and Jane Rutherfurd. William Edward Oliver-Rutherfurd (1863-1931) Sold Edgerston in 1915 to Frederic Scott Oliver (not related) and emigrated to Kenya. So ended a family tenure of nearly 500 years. He married April 29, 1891 Nancy Pott daughter of Gideon Pott. The descendents of William Edward Oliver-Rutherfurd live in Kenya, England, Spain and Australia. Source - Davis, K. Rutherford. The Rutherfords in Britain a history and guide. Alan Sutton Publishing: Brunswick Road, Gloucester, England, 1987. Source - Knight Frank & Rutley. Edgerston Estate real estate brochure, 1980. Source - Family records of Deborah Rutherfurd Andrus |
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